Publications and Presentations


Publications and Presentations


  • MacKinnon, G.E. (2012). The Walking (Un)Dead: Psychological Reflections on Survival in the Zombie Post-Apocalypse (or any Extreme Disaster). Unpublished manuscript.
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2011). Reflections on psychotherapy and cancer. Michigan Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology Newsletter (February, 2011).
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2006). Self-concept and psychological resilience in children victimized by terrorism: A review of the literature. Forum on Public Policy, Oxford University , London, England – July 1, 2006.
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2006). Marital dynamics and psychosocial adjustment in the first three years following the diagnosis and treatment of Prostate Cancer. Research grant proposal with the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Austin, Texas.
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (1997). Locus of control, field independence/field dependence, mood disturbance, and stress response to a natural disaster film. Unpublished Dissertation, University of Detroit-Mercy.


  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2010). Coping with stress in life. Lecture/discussion presentation, Beaumont Urology/USToo Prostate Cancer support group, William Beaumont Hospital – Royal Oak, Michigan, January 19, 2010.
  • MacKinnon, G. M. (2008). Managing Stress during Cancer Treatment and Beyond. Lecture/discussion presentation, Karmanos Cancer Treatment Centers, Weisberg Cancer Treatment Center (March 24, 2010); Monroe Cancer Connection (April 14, 2010).
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2008). The emotional journey of prostate cancer. Lecture/discussion presentation, Beaumont Urology/USToo Prostate Cancer support group, William Beaumont Hospital – Royal Oak, Michigan, December 16, 2008.
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2007). Benefit-Finding in cancer research: A Psycho-oncology perspective for pastoral care. Lecture/discussion presentation at the Christian Scholar’s Conference, Rochester College, June 21, 2007.
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2007). Pastoral responses to crisis and loss. Lecture presentation for Elderlink at Rochester College, January 27, 2007.
  • MacKinnon, G.E. (2006). Self-Concept and psychological resilience in children victimized by terrorism. Lecture/discussion presentation, Christian Scholar’s Conference, Rochester College, July 1, 2006.
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2006). Intimacy following prostate cancer. Lecture/discussion presentation, USToo Prostate Cancer Support Group, William Beaumont Hospital – Royal Oak, Michigan, June 13, 2006.
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2006). Managing stress in effective ways. Lecture/discussion presentation, Rochester College “The Shrink is In” series, March 23, 2006.
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (2006). Managing anxiety and stress following Prostate Cancer. Lecture/discussion presentation, USToo Prostate Cancer Support Group, William Beaumont Hospital – Royal Oak, Michigan, January 10, 2006.
  • MacKinnon, G.E. (2004). Passport to Retirement: Psychological issues in retirement. Presentation with Larry Stack, Certified Financial Planner, October 21, 2004.
  • MacKinnon, G. and Stogner, B. (2004). Marriage and Family Living presentation at the Naperville Church of Christ in Naperville, Illinois, July 23-25, 2004.
  • MacKinnon, G. and Stogner, B. (2004). Psychological Reactions to an Industrial Accident, presentation at the Christian Scholar’s Conference at Rochester College, July 15-17, 2004.
  • MacKinnon, G. E. (1992). Development of a measure of post-traumatic stress disorder in post office employees following a critical incident shooting. Unpublished research with Paula Christian Kliger, Ph.D., University of Detroit-Mercy.